Action Learning

Action learning was developed in the 1940’s by professor Reg Revens who created the management development programme for the post-war National Coal Board. The technique he developed realised astounding results, - an average 30% uplift in production!

Vital learningSince then, action learning has proved effective in widely diverse environments; in industry, in the National Health Service, in the Higher Education sector, in and across government departments and across the third sector.

Action learning focuses on the experience, feelings and insights of the individual. Rather than jumping to solve a problem as quickly as possible, action learning enables deeper enquiry and results in deeper understanding. This supports a learner firstly, to reach the best solution rather than adopt the first one that comes to mind, and secondly, to gain insight about themselves and others which will enable future challenges to be met with more confidence and success.

Thanks to RichardsA Corporate Instinct action learning set makes best use of this powerful learning tool to realise tangible benefits for the individual and their organisation creating a “high challenge, high support” learning environment and maintaining a focus on achieving business or service impact in the short and long term.